Stephen Miller

Steve grew up in the San Francisco area where his father was a TV & Radio repairman, running the first independent TV repair shop in the Bay Area. Right after World War II, Steve's father even manufactured his own radios. Despite this, the family did not have a TV until Steve was in third grade in the mid-50s, so he has fond memories of listening to such shows as "Our Miss Brooks" "My Little Margie" "The Great Gildersleeves" "The Jack Benny Show" and others on the radio. While in the Army, Steve was assigned to the post radio station at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and regularly hosted the 2pm Country & Western show. Many of the other GIs assigned to the station were professional broadcasters, so Steve has visions of making radio a career after his enlistment was complete.

Alas, that was not to be. Instead he spent most of his working life in transportation, including 27 years as a Transportation Planner for the California Department of Transportation, retiring in 2007. In the early 80's he found himself in Seattle on Memorial Day weekend and wandered into the Northwest Folklife Festival. He liked it so much, that he's been back every year since. Soon he began volunteering. After a few years in various volunteer positions, he decided to try a stint as a stage MC. MCing has now become his primary activity at the annual festival. It was through friends at Folklife, that he became acquainted with American Radio Theater. In 2014 he participated in Radio Studio for the first time. Unfortunately, his involvement in ART is limited by the fact that he still lives in Sacramento, but he takes part whenever he can.

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